Thursday, March 10, 2011

the sounds of home.

so, living in utah isnt my favorite thing ever, as some of you might know. especially provo.. but the good things about being here are most of my friends are here, and 2 of my brothers, and i really like my job.
but i still have those days where id give just about anything to be home, in newbury park, in the sun, and surrounded by the most familiar places. soo to make myself feel more "at home" i listen to the radio at work via the internet
k-earth 101.1 has been my favorite station since i can remember, it was always playing in my moms car, when i hear the theme song i go right back to being a little kid in my mom saburban driving on the freeway to silverstrand beach to meet the gunns and mullins, with 2 coolers full of food, chairs and towel piled up in the back. it was the best! then when i got my car i would just drive.. i love having the radio on, window down with no where to go.. and it was always k-earth on the radio.
so as i sit at work, i pretend im home, in ca with the sun, beach, people, and familiar places and no where to go.
so thank you k-earth!


  1. I know work as been sad with me not there.... but at least you have the radio, and Christy, to keep you company :)

  2. hey, thats my favorite too. i didn't even know you can listen to in on the internet. good to know.
