Monday, November 10, 2014

Millie at 6 months

Our Millie girl is 6 months old. 
1/2 a year!!!
i don't know how this happens so fast.
Millie is such a sweet baby, very easy. and still pukes like no body business.
i have tried my best to keep her a newborn as long as possible. lots of swaddle time, always holding her. not pushing her to reach her milestones as much as i did johnny. 
(poor johnny and oldest children in general. we always want them to do everything so quickly)
and i have come to learn that she will reach them anyways on her own and right on time. but at the same time she's still just my little baby. she rolls all over the place and just a few days ago i sat her up on her own and she was all about it. now she will sit for 30-40 minutes just playing by herself and loves the independence. 
she absolutely loves johnny, and is his greatest audience. 
she's all about puffs, dosent like baby food or rice cereal. but will chew a pizza crust like a pro.
no teeth yet. has a pretty good sleep schedule still.

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